Matrimonied Couples


Are you simply married or are you ‘Matrimonied’?

People often point out that Catholics divorce at the same rate as the rest of the population. To the outside observer most Catholic couples look and behave the same as any other couple; by and large we live our marriages according to secular standards and goals. So it shouldn’t surprise us that the divorce rate is roughly the same.

To be a Catholic couple is to live your marriage differently to the secular norm. As more couples breakup and people lose confidence in marriage, it is increasingly important that Catholic couples provide a radical example of Christ-centred love that reflects the vows taken at the altar: freely given, total and unconditional, faithful until death, and fruitful.

Taking the words of the wedding vows from the Catholic tradition, spend some time writing down how you are living each phrase.

Reflection: Take each part of your wedding vows and write one thing you could do to live them more fully.


Authors: Francine & Byron Pirola

This article featured in the September 2012 edition of the CathFamily e-Magazine. For more, check out:

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Francine and Byron Pirola

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