
Waiting for an annulment

By CathFamily | October 16, 2017

When I met my husband, Bob, we had to wait for his Catholic Church annulment to go through before we could even consider or plan…

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My annulment Journey

By CathFamily | October 13, 2017

The journey towards the annulment of my first marriage and full reconciliation with the Church began in early 2012. However, I had been struggling with…

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Myth-busting: annulment and divorce

By CathFamily | October 11, 2017

Back in 1997, and after about two years of waiting, I received a decree of nullity, which is more commonly known as an ‘annulment’. This…

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An important conversation

By Marilyn Rodrigues | October 9, 2017

Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, ‘God with us’. And as the body of Christ the Church also needs to remain with, embrace and guide people in…

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