
Family History

By Kiara Pirola | March 13, 2013

“When my baby sister was born with a life-threatening condition, my family became completely absorbed in supporting her for several months. As a four year…

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The Jesse Tree

By Marilyn Rodrigues | March 12, 2013

Get into the spirit of Advent with your family with this guide to Jesus’ Family Tree. Contemplating God’s Family & Ours Children learn about love from…

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Light it up!

By Francine Pirola | March 8, 2013

The kids in our street love Halloween, but we don’t really go for the ghoulish costumes and greedy demands for sweets. It is however quite…

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Emotional Availability

By Dr Justin Coulson | March 7, 2013

The most valuable investment we can make for our children’s development is one that we often overlook because of its simplicity. Attention is the Currency…

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Hello? Is anybody there?

By Francine and Byron Pirola | March 7, 2013

Have you ever had that experience with your spouse when he or she seems so distracted that you wonder if they are having an out-of-body…

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Matrimonied Couples

By Francine and Byron Pirola | March 6, 2013

Are you simply married or are you ‘Matrimonied’? People often point out that Catholics divorce at the same rate as the rest of the population.…

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Talking about Sex

By Kiara Pirola | March 1, 2013

“Katrina wasn’t looking forward to the parent puberty information night hosted by the school. She had been fondled by a stranger when she was twelve…

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By Kiara Pirola | February 27, 2013

Isn’t it funny the way children have the uncanny ability to ask those awkward questions at the most inconvenient times? More than just Biology A…

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Mixing Faiths

By Francine and Byron Pirola | February 22, 2013

In a way, every marriage is a ‘mixed-faith’ marriage. Even within the same faith tradition, there can be different levels of commitment to the practice…

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Ecumenical Marriages

By Francine and Byron Pirola | February 21, 2013

Jesus prayed that we “may all be one” in faith. Married couples of two different Christian traditions are perfectly placed to be living examples of…

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A Faithful (Faulty) Marriage

By Francine Pirola | February 20, 2013

Contrary to popular belief, marriage is not meant to make us happy; it’s meant to make us holy. As a vocation, marriage is a pathway…

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Faithful, Faulty Families

By Marilyn Rodrigues | February 19, 2013

It is in the family that we learn what it is to love. Christ calls us not be perfectly happy, but to trust in him…

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