
WOJ Advent 4, Year B

By CathFamily | December 15, 2023

“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)

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From Woes to O’s!

By Isabella Garcia | December 14, 2023

In the week before Christmas, a lesser-known Catholic tradition begins – the ‘O Antiphons’. Sometimes called the ‘Great Advent Antiphons’, they are recited during Vespers…

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CathKids Advent 3, Year B

By CathKids | December 8, 2023

The Story so far… This is the beginning of the Gospel of John. He tells of how John the Baptist knew about Jesus’ coming and…

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WOJ Advent 3, Year B

By CathFamily | December 8, 2023

Prepare a way for the Lord. Make his paths straight! (John 1:23) Feel free to share “Words of Jesus” with your networks: Tweet or post…

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Creating Mindful and Meaningful Christmas Celebrations

By Susanne North | December 4, 2023

Original post here Children love rituals and traditions. There is nothing more beautiful than watching children’s shiny eyes and their contagious excitement in anticipation of…

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CathKids Advent 2, Year B

By CathKids | December 3, 2023

The Story so far… This is the beginning of Mark’s writings about the life of Jesus.

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WOJ Advent 2, Year B

By CathFamily | December 3, 2023

I have baptised you with water, but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.’ (Mark 1:8)  

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CathKids Advent 1, Year B

By CathFamily | December 1, 2023

The story so far… Jesus has been warning his disciples that terrible things will happen to them and to the people but that God will…

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WOJ Advent 1, Year B

By CathFamily | December 1, 2023

Stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming. ( Jesus, Mark 13:35)  

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CathKids Christ the King, Year A

By CathFamily | November 17, 2023

The story so far… Jesus continues to teach in Jerusalem. He uses lots of different, everyday examples of how God loves his people.

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WOJ Christ the King, Year A

By CathFamily | November 17, 2023

“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”…

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CathKids Ordinary Time 33, Year A

By CathKids | November 3, 2023

The story so far… Jesus is in Jerusalem and tells another parable, this time about talents. A ‘talent’ was a unit of money; one talent…

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