Christ the King Plaque
October 27, 2016/

A fun craft activity for children and adults alike! Hot glue gun involved so younger ones will require some assistance.
- Thick board/cardboard
- Pencil
- Hot glue gun
- PVA glue and paint brush
- Aluminium foil
- Permanent markers in various colours
- Printout of CathFamily Christ the King design template (optional)
Approximate Time
- 30 minutes, depending on complexity of the design
- Use the pencil to copy to impress your design into the board using the CathFamily design or be creative and draw your own.
- Trace over the design with the hot glue (simple designs are best as the glue is quite chunky).
- Spread PVA glue evenly over the board and hot glue parts.
- Place the aluminium foil (shiny side down) lightly on the board. Starting at the middle and working outwards, use your finger tip or the end of a rounded pencil to gently press the foil into the grooves.
- Fold the edges of the foil over and affix to the back with more PVA glue.
- Colour your design using the permanent markers.
Download Template here
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