Joy-Raising Lemonade Cupcake Stall

Two little kids are selling lemonade at a homemade lemonade stand on a sunny day with a price sign for an entrepreneur concept

Last year one of our daughters and her friend, nine and 10 years old at the time, ran a stall to raise money that they later divided up into church giving, saving, and spending. Try our idea for a cupcake stall the kids can set up themselves to practice raising funds while spreading some joy at the same time!

Location, location
They made a brisk trade in our driveway selling homemade chocolate chip cookies and lemonade to passersby over a couple of hours while my husband or I took turns doing some chores out the front of the house. We stayed within sight and earshot of them, but otherwise left them to it.
Hearing them chatting with neighbours, joggers, and people walking their dogs about what they were doing and why was very sweet! So was the way they negotiated either free goodies or a percentage of their takings to the siblings who helped them.

Introduce or reinforce safe habits
We told the girls they were not allowed to call out to people or passing cars. They were not to approach any person or vehicle or to leave their spot at the stall for any reason without our knowledge and presence. They were to only keep enough money with them for change; the rest had to be sent inside with us or a sibling helper. For food safety hair was tied back when cooking, and tongs and serviettes used for serving biscuits.

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