Lord of Joy

Easter is not just a weekend, it’s a whole season! It begins on Easter Sunday and runs through to Pentecost, seven weeks in duration. The colour gold or white is used during this time to signify the glory of the Lord and our joy in the resurrection. It is a time when we, as a Church, focus on the promises of Jesus to save us from evil and be with us in our lives. It’s really a non-stop party rejoicing in our salvation! Yet often, we limp through this season overlooking its significance, or are too exhausted after the efforts of Lent to participate in the celebration. This year, make the season a joyful time with some simple family celebrations.
Dressed to Celebrate
Give your family prayer space a makeover. Dust it off and refresh it with a clean white or gold cloth. Decorate it with symbols of Easter like butterflies, coloured eggs, a cross with a white drape. Buy a CD with some classic praise and workshop songs and start celebrating!
Victory Party
What’s a victory without a party? After all, Jesus’ death and resurrection is the greatest victory ever, one that we all take part in. This Easter season, be sure to have your own ‘Victory Party’. Decorate some streamers and balloons with the words “Alleluia!”, “Praise God”, and “He is Risen” on them. Adapt your favourite victory chant for Jesus. Invite another family from the parish or school to party with you.
Festive Foods
If making Hot Cross Buns seems too complicated, try some Hot Cross Scones! Use grandma’s favourite recipe and create the crosses with a flour and water paste or diluted jam glaze.
Stations of Glory
Inspired by the Stations of the Cross which focus on the suffering of Jesus, the Stations of Glory focus on his post resurrection appearances. Using nine candles that are lit with each station, this simple, scripture based prayer is a great way to get in touch with this season.
Over to you! How does your Parish celebrate Easter? What do you do as a family to mark the most awesome day of the year? Share your stories in the comments below!
For more on the Easter Octave, check out: