O Antiphon Cards

For the seven days just before Christmas the Divine Office (daily prayer book of the Church) resounds with joyful praise known as the ‘O’ Antiphons.
For those of us who somehow manage to get almost to the end of Advent without having done any of the spiritual preparation we had planned – here’s a way to make the last week ‘O’ so sweet.
Cut out and keep these cards so that you can recite them in the days leading up to Christmas.
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This activity featured in the December 2015 edition of the CathFamily e-Magazine.
The O Antiphon Decoded
Older children may find intriguing the fact that there is a code in the Church’s ‘O’ Antiphons, the short phrases said during Evening Prayer of the Church in the last week before Christmas.
Based on the prophecies of Isaiah, each antiphon is a name given to Christ
17: O Sapientia = Oh Wisdom
18: O Adonai = Oh Lord of Ancient Israel
19: O Radix Jesse = Oh Flower of Jesse
20: O Clavis David = Oh Key of David
21: O Oriens = Oh Radient Dawn
22: O Rex Gentium = Oh King of all Peoples
23: O Emmanuel = Oh God with Us