feature article
Living the Faith
The world today repeatedly writes off the Catholic Church as being irrelevant, so the fascination and buzz that has been generated by Pope Benedict retiring…
R E A D M O R E →Twelve Days of Christmas
Christmas is a season not a day. Here are some ideas to make the Christmas spirit last… Beginning on Christmas day and ending on the…
R E A D M O R E →Mother of Life
When an insignificant, barren hill in Mexico becomes the destination for 13 million pilgrims a year, something’s going on… December 12 is the feast of…
R E A D M O R E →The Jesse Tree
Get into the spirit of Advent with your family with this guide to Jesus’ Family Tree. Contemplating God’s Family & Ours Children learn about love from…
R E A D M O R E →Emotional Availability
The most valuable investment we can make for our children’s development is one that we often overlook because of its simplicity. Attention is the Currency…
R E A D M O R E →Changes
Isn’t it funny the way children have the uncanny ability to ask those awkward questions at the most inconvenient times? More than just Biology A…
R E A D M O R E →Faithful, Faulty Families
It is in the family that we learn what it is to love. Christ calls us not be perfectly happy, but to trust in him…
R E A D M O R E →The Rosary
A Calling Card for Heaven Does your family pray the rosary? Would you like to begin it as a family tradition but it’s just too…
R E A D M O R E →Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
A look at scripture and tradition can take us back to the feast of the sacred heart of Jesus and give our devotion new life.…
R E A D M O R E →The Announcement!
Celebrate the world’s biggest announcement with Mary this Lent. What if Mary had said ‘no’? Would the Archangel Gabriel have tried the maiden next door?…
R E A D M O R E →