
CathKids Easter 5, Year A

By CathKids | April 28, 2023

The story so far… Knowing that he will be leaving his disciples, Jesus tries to prepare them for his departure.

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CathKids Easter 4, Year A

By CathKids | April 21, 2023

The story so far… Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd who looks after his sheep in the sheepfold. A sheepfold is like a fence…

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CathKids Easter 3, Year A

By CathKids | April 14, 2023

The story so far… Three days after Jesus has died, there are reports that his friends have seen him alive, risen from the dead!  …

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CathKids Easter 2, Year A

By CathFamily | April 6, 2023

The story so far… After he rose from the dead, Jesus appeared to the disciples who had locked themselves inside their house.

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WOJ Divine Mercy

By Isabella Garcia | April 6, 2023

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. (Jesus, John 20:29) Feel free to share “Words of Jesus” with your networks: Tweet or…

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WOJ Easter 5, Year A

By CathFamily | April 1, 2023

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust in me (Jesus, John 14:1) Feel free to share “Words of Jesus” with your…

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CathKids Easter Sunday, Year A

By CathKids | March 31, 2023

The story so far… Jesus has died and has been laid in a tomb. His disciples are confused and sad. They do not know what…

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easter sunday year a

WOJ Easter Sunday, Year A

By CathFamily | March 31, 2023

Let your thoughts be on things above, not on the things that are on the earth (Colossians 3:2) Feel free to share “Words of Jesus”…

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WOJ Palm Sunday, Year A

By CathFamily | March 24, 2023

‘Take it and eat,’ he said, ‘this is my body.’…Drink from this, all of you, for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant,…

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CathKids Palm Sunday, Year A

By CathKids | March 23, 2023

The story so far… As devout Jews, Jesus and his disciples travel to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. Many of the people have come to…

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WOJ Lent 5, Year A

By CathFamily | March 17, 2023

Have I not told you that if you believe you will see the glory of God? (Jesus, John 11:40) Feel free to share “Words of…

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CathKids Lent 5, Year A

By CathKids | March 16, 2023

The Story so far… Jesus is teaching in Galille when he hears that his dear friend Lazarus is ill. Jesus waits two days before setting…

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