The difference that dad makes


We all have a father, and almost any man can biologically father a child, but the irreplaceable and unique role of fathers is often little acknowledged. Fathers today are more likely to be closely involved and emotionally connected with their growing children than their grandfathers were. This is good news for children for many reasons.

Fathers are a great gift to us all. We’ve put together a free printable for you to use in Father’s Day celebrations or just to share with family, staff, and friends.
A big thanks to all our fathers!

Download Printable Here

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CathFamily is an initiative of the Parish & Marriage Resource Centre (PMRC) Australia.. The PMRC Relationship Education Foundation is a registered charity that supports marriage and relationship education activities. All donations in Australia over $2 are tax deductable. All of the administrative work of the Foundation is provided by volunteers and other support infrastructure is ‘gifted’ by other organisations.