The Jesse Tree Prayer

- Jesse Tree branches or banner.
- One (or more) Jesse Tree symbols ready.
- Scripture story ready.
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Jesse Tree Prayer
Lord God,
Our hearts long for your coming.
We wait to joyfully welcome you.
Response: Lord Hear our Prayer
Father in Heaven,
soon the glory of your son, Jesus
will make the night bright with light.
Prepare our hearts and minds.
The Jesse Tree Litany
The Litany of Saints is a repetitive prayer that calls on the Communion Saints to intercede for us to God. It has a beautiful rhythm with a leader saying the name of the Saint and the rest of the community responding with ‘pray for us’. Another variation is the Litany of Loreto, a prayer that calls on Mary, our heavenly mother in all her different titles to ‘pray for us’.
Try the Jesse Tree adaptation as part of your Advent preparations and connect with the yearnings of the Jewish people for the coming of the Saviour. You can add all the Jewish Holy Men and Women, or just those already on your Jesse Tree so the prayer builds momentum throughout Advent. At the end, the Hebrew versions of the Jesus (Yeshua) and Mary (Miriam) are used.
Jesse Tree Litany
Leader | All |
God the Father, Creator of the world, | Hear our prayer. |
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, | Hear our prayer. |
God the Holy Spirit, Sustainer of the world, | Hear our prayer. |
Holy Trinity, one God of all, | Hear our prayer. |
Adam & Eve, holy people of God, | pray for us. |
Noah, holy man of God, | pray for us. |
Abraham, holy man of God, | pray for us. |
Sarah, holy woman of God, | pray for us. |
St Joseph, father of Yeshua, | pray for us. |
Holy Miriam, mother of Yeshua, | pray for us. |
Yeshua, Word made flesh, | Hear us. |
Yeshua, Emmanuel, | God be with us. |
Yeshua, Star of Bethlehem, | Lead us. |
Yeshua, Saviour of the World, | Redeem us. |
Yeshua, Humble babe in a manger, | Heal us. |
Yeshua, King of Kings, | Reign over us. |
Lord God,
you have given us the example of these holy men and women.
In their lives, they sought to give glory to you
and to live in your grace.
By the mystery of your love draw us ever closer to you.
Strengthen us with your grace
and raise our hearts and minds to heaven.
For more information on the Jesse Tree tradition and history, check out this article. For instructions and ideas on making your own Jesse Tree, see this activity which also comes with downloadable templates.