The Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy
December 22, 2015/

Once we have received and become deeply aware of God’s loving mercy towards us, we’re more able to generously extend God’s love to others through what the Church calls corporal (physical) and spiritual acts of mercy. There are seven of each. Think about it; how many do you already do in your daily life? Which one or two could you try to do more of, or better, this year?
Corporal Works of Mercy
Feeding the hungry
Giving drink to the thirsty
Clothing the naked
Sheltering the homeless
Visiting the sick
Visiting the imprisoned
Burying the dead
Spiritual Works of Mercy
Counselling the doubtful
Teaching the ignorant
Admonishing sinners
Comforting the afflicted
Forgiving offenses
Bearing wrongs patiently
Praying for the living and the dead
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