6 Ways to Celebrate the Year of Mercy


Here are six ideas for you and your family to fully participate in the graces of this holy year, though they are good for every day, every year!

  1. Forgive those who have hurt you.
    Is anyone estranged from you because of a past conflict? Reach out to them in love this year. Tell them you forgive them and you want to start the relationship over.
  1. Cancel debts.
    The Jubilee tradition includes the cancelling of debts. Do you have debts owed you that you can cancel? Maybe a friend borrowed money and is afraid to tell you he can’t pay it back. Maybe a son or daughter needed a temporary loan. Maybe a renter is behind on payments because he lost his job. Extend mercy them by telling them they don’t have to pay part or all of what they owe.
  1. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
    Jesus revealed to St Faustina his Divine Mercy – his unlimited and supernatural capacity for forgiveness. The chaplet can be prayed on rosary beads (at 3pm if possible), and is a simple mantra on Jesus’ mercy. Make this chaplet your new devotion.
  1. Practice self-denial.
    Work on detachment as a sign of your gratitude for the mercy of God. A simple way to do this is to refrain from eating meat on Fridays.
  1. See God’s mercy in all circumstances.
    Try to accept everything that happens in your life, big or small, good or bad, as being covered by Divine Providence. Can you find the good in every circumstance? Can you become the good in an otherwise bad circumstance?
  1. Invite someone back to Mass.
    Everyone knows a fallen away Catholic, perhaps many. Invite them to come home. Share how God’s mercy has touched your life and how you want them to experience it too.

This was inspired by a similar article by Connie Rossini. Reprinted with permission. To read the original article:

Click Here

About Connie Rossini
Connie is an author and columnist on the topics of prayer, Carmelite spirituality, and parenting. She lives with her husband and their four young boys in Minnesota. Her website is www.contemplativehomeschool.com

Meat-free Fridays for Mercy

Fridays are traditionally days that we remember Jesus’ death on the cross. During Lent it’s traditional to avoid eating meat (abstinence) on Fridays as a penance and in solidarity with Christ’s sacrifice. In many countries Catholics avoid meat on all other Fridays as well.  You might like to try it, or if you already do this give up something extra as a special focus for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

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