2016 July | Creation – Care of the Common Home

From the Editor
Marilyn Rodrigues
On awe, praise and the care of creation
Has your child ever been captivated by the sight of a full, golden, moon hanging low on the horizon, drawn to running water, or collected shells, rocks and sticks? It’s been one year since Pope Francis published his encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si (Praise Be), On Care For Our Common Home. In it he affirmed the awe and wonder that is our natural and Holy Spirit-inspired response to the majesty of creation. He also challenged us to be less materialistic, more attuned to and grateful for the natural world, and mindful of the needs of the poor. This month we invite you and your children to join us in reflecting on Pope Francis’ message and on God’s stunning work of creation that is our family of humanity and our common home.