Armour of God Sticker Chart

“Put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, with the belt of truth around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Take up the shield…

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Fruits of the Holy Spirit Tree

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. …Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galations 5:22-23, 25 St Paul calls us to live by the Spirit, immersed in our faith and responsive to God’s promptings in our lives. This…

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The Rosary Keychain

The Rosary Keychain is an integrated catechesis and craft activity that powerfully engages children in the Rosary. Each kit includes all the materials needed to create your individual Rosary Key chain as well as a booklet with instructions and the prayers of the Rosary. This resource will assist you to instill daily prayer rituals with…

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The Joy Bomb

If you could summarise Patrick in one word, it is joy. If you could bottle Patrick’s joy and sell it, we’d be multi-billionaires. You can get all these books and things on how to find happiness, but nope! All you need is a drop of Patrick! The older kids just adore him. When they come…

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How can this be?

“The angel said to Mary, “Do not be afraid, Mary. You will conceive in your womb and bear a son”. Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the child to be born will be called…

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How you do Housework

the results from the CathFamily survey: 70% of you are not satisfied with your current housework arrangement 75% of you would like to see your children contribute more. How you delegate housework… 65% of you introduce your kids to housework at ages 3-5 years. Most of this might not be surprising; it gets more interesting…

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Godparents: Choosing Wisely

Godparents are more than just parental back-up or a nominated guardian should parents die while their children are still young; they are specially chosen spiritual mentors for your children. They have a special role to play in your child’s upbringing and especially their faith journey. Don’t choose someone simply because you owe them a favour…

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Sacrament Essentials: Baptism

Initiation Rituals A common thread in human cultures, tribes and societies is ritualistic initiations that mark the various stages of life. They relate to all kinds of stages, such as; welcoming a new baby, introducing boys to manhood, marriage, grandparenthood and death. Catholicism has always supported the fundamental wisdom of the human need for ritual…

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Baptism is about belonging

If there is one word which sums up the essence of Baptism it would be ‘belonging’. Through Baptism, we become members of God’s family, a son or daughter of the Father. We belong to God for all eternity. As a consequence, we also belong to the family of God here on earth – our brothers…

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Child-Honouring Discipline

Think for a moment about the ways you discipline your children when they act in challenging ways. Perhaps your three year-old has just stabbed his older brother in the face with a fork. Or maybe your teenage daughter has screamed an obscenity at her younger sibling. Or you’ve just discovered your eight year-old is pocketing…

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Sacrament Essential: First Eucharist

Theology in a nutshell The sacrament of the Eucharist is a sacred meal where we break bread and share the one cup that has been transformed into Christ’s body and blood. It is the paramount sign of our unity with and in Christ. It has been described as the ‘source and summit’ of the Church’s…

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