A Faithful (Faulty) Marriage

Contrary to popular belief, marriage is not meant to make us happy; it’s meant to make us holy. As a vocation, marriage is a pathway to holiness where each spouse accompanies the other through the joys and sorrows of life, helping them to grow in love and spiritual maturity. Difficulties in marriage are inevitable. There…

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The Last Supper and the Jewish Passover

At Mass on Holy Thursday night Catholics enter the journey of their Saviour who walked the path of suffering and death to resurrection. At home we may enter it also, with a Last Supper meal that draws the family into the rich symbolism of our Jewish and Christian heritage. The Passover Seder is the Jewish…

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Family Unity Is the Responsibility of All

Some of the most persistent and hateful disagreements happen between family members. Regardless of who started it or who behaved worse, reconciliation is the responsibility of everyone in the family. Whether you’re the one who has been hurt, the one who did the hurting, or someone who loves both the people locked in the dispute,…

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Reclaiming Halloween

Like it or loath it, there’s no escaping the marketing presence of Halloween. Parents are wise to approach this festival with caution. The practice of trick-or-treating can lead children into a mind-set of greed and an expectation of free handouts. Further, the association of Halloween with pagan ritual can feed an unhealthy fascination with the…

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A Mother’s Heart

For more than forty years I have been honouring my mother on Mothers’ Day, yet it has never really occurred to me to honour the woman who is both perfect mother and heavenly mother: Mary. She truly is ‘blest among women’ for she surpasses all the wonderful and loving contributions made to my life by…

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Understanding the Trinity

The Feast of the Trinity always follows on the Sunday after Pentecost and represents a central belief of our faith. While there are three distinct and individual divine persons, they are so deeply bonded by their love for each other that they operate with one mind and heart. We often refer to the ‘mystery’ of the…

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At Table with the Lord

A family meal is more than just a feed. It’s a time when we, as family members of whatever age or state of life, deepen our love for each other. We eat together not just to nourish our bodies, but to nourish our relationship as a family. We ‘feed’ each other by spending time together,…

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