Catechism Roulette
April 8, 2013/

Ever wondered why Catholics do the things we do? Get your Catechism out, dust it off and have a go at playing Catechism Roulette!
How to Play
- Open your Catechism at random
- Place your finger on the page
- Read the paragraph it lands on.
- Discuss together how you could more faithfully live out that particular teaching point.
The other way to do it is to look up a particular thing like ‘mortal sin’ in the index and checking out what the references are. You might be surprised by the answers you find there!
How did you go? Did you find something interesting that you didn’t know before? Have any questions or want a clarification? Tell us in the comments below!
This activity featured in the March 2013 edition of the CathFamily e-Magazine.
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