CathKids Ordinary Time 17, Year A
The story so far… Jesus continues to teach the crowds about the Kingdom of Heaven using parables (stories). It seems that the Kingdom he is…
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Ordinary Time 16, Year A
The story so far… Jesus has been teaching the crowds using parables. He likes to use stories about familiar activities so that the people can…
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Ordinary Time 15, Year A
The story so far… Jesus has been teaching the crowds using parables (stories). The parables help people to understand his teachings but sometimes the meaning…
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Ordinary Time 13, Year A
The Story so far… Jesus has been preparing his apostles to go out and preach. Not everyone will welcome them or respond to their message.
R E A D M O R E →World Day for Grandparents
Sunday, 25 July 2021, has been designated by Pope Francis, as the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly (Ord Time 17). It coincides…
R E A D M O R E →Grandparents Kit 1
Grandparents are of unique importance in family life generally and particularly in the transmission of faith through the generations. They provide children with a stability…
R E A D M O R E →Grandparents Kit 2
The Grandparents Kit is a resource for schools and parishes, designed for events such as Grandparents Day or for special feasts such as that of…
R E A D M O R E →Grandparents Kit 3
The Grandparents Kit is a resource for schools and parishes, designed for events such as Grandparents Day or for special feasts such as that of…
R E A D M O R E →