
CathKids The Ascension, Year A

By CathKids | May 12, 2023

The story so far… Jesus has been appearing to his disciples since his resurrection. Soon he will ascend into heaven but first he has an…

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CathKids Easter 6, Year A

By CathKids | May 4, 2023

The story so far… Samaria is an area just north of Jerusalem. Many Jews avoided the Samaritans because they believed they were unclean, but Jesus…

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CathKids Easter 5, Year A

By CathKids | April 28, 2023

The story so far… Knowing that he will be leaving his disciples, Jesus tries to prepare them for his departure.

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CathKids Easter 3, Year A

By CathKids | April 14, 2023

The story so far… Three days after Jesus has died, there are reports that his friends have seen him alive, risen from the dead!  …

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CathKids Ordinary Time 7, Year A

By CathKids | February 15, 2023

The Story so far… Jesus is continuing his ‘Sermon on the Mount’ on a mountain in Galilee, here he is teaching about God’s law of…

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Plant a Mary’s garden

By Francine Pirola | August 23, 2017

May is the month of Mary. Why not plant a Mary’s Garden this month, as a sign of devotion and to create a place of…

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