Couple’s Corner: November 2011

Who is King in our Marriage?
God calls couples to place Jesus at the centre of our marriage – to let him reign over our decisions and our relationship. In St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, he says: Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ (Eph 5:21, NRSV). It’s the language of loyal obedience and it recalls the servant leadership that Jesus exampled at the last supper, washing the feet of his disciples, feeding them, and eventually giving his life for them.
The question for every married person is: Have I placed my marriage under the reign of Christ? Here’s a short Examin for spouses to reflect upon.
Christ the King Marital Examin
Is God an essential partner in my marriage?
Do I pray to be a better spouse, or do I pray for God to ‘fix’ my difficult spouse?
Do I pray for my spouse’s fulfilment, placing his/her needs and intentions before God’s throne?
Do I let God influence my decisions in relation to my marriage and family or do I make my decisions in isolation?
Do I turn to God in both good times and bad, thanking him for the blessings and calling for God’s grace in difficulties?
Do I trust God to be the Lord of my marriage, directing it, forming it in his image? Or do I seek to conform my marriage to my image, my expectations?
Author: Francine & Byron Pirola
This article is featured in the November 2011 edition of the CathFamily eMagazine.