Days of Gratitude

Here at CathFamily, we’re a little bit into Gratitude at the moment!
Consciously cultivating gratitude in your life can alter the way you see the world… for the better. Seeing the goodness in everything and everyone, and making an effort to acknowledge it, dramatically shifts the way we see our own life, the people in it, and the many wonderful gifts we are given.
Encouraging your kids to cultivate gratitude is setting them up for a healthy, resilient adulthood. Why not get your family on board with this Gratitude Calendar?
This flexible template allows your family to record daily things, people, or experiences that they are grateful for in the day spread AND a blank space is included for sticking pictures, notes, and other memorabilia for that month. By the end of they year, your family will have a wonderful record of all the good things that happened!
Download Gratitude CalendarGratitude and Lent
Lent is not just about giving up chocolate or coffee, it is about doing a stock take of our spiritual life (see Spiritual Spring Cleaning) and looking for ways we can grow in virtue and prayer. Why not make a commitment to fostering Gratitude next Lent?