Epiphany Gift Box


Around Christmastime young children will be love making this gift box containing beautiful and fragrant materials representing the wise men’s gifts for Jesus; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Then use the box in our Feast of the Epiphany prayer service in early January.
We purchased some of these materials, but it will work just as well to recycle or upcycle things you have around the house or classroom, such as shoeboxes and other small boxes or containers, ribbons, material off-cuts, and any craft or kitchen supplies you already have.


  • 1 empty gift box (or shoe box that’s been covered in attractive paper)
  • Printed prayers on card (download here)


  • Gold coloured item such as ribbon, curling ribbon, small nugget-like blocks painted in gold paint, or piece of gold jewellery.


  • Pot pourri or seed pods
  • Frankincense oil or another essential oil of your choice
  • 1 small drawstring gift bag, or container such as a jewellery box.


  • Coconut oil (or another fragrant ointment or oil such as vaporub)
  • 1 small jar, pot, or plastic container
  • 1 paintbrush
  • Acrylic paint in a colour of your choice
  • Glue
  • Sequins, glitter, beads or other decorations


  1. Print out the three prayer cards, decorate if desired, and place them into the gift box.
  2. GOLD: Place the gold item into the gift box with the ‘gold prayer’ card.
  3. FRANKINCENSE: Take the pot pourri or seed pods and scent them with a few drops of essential oil. Place them into the small gift bag or jewellery box. Place your ‘frankincense’ gift into the gift box with the ‘frankincense prayer’ card.
  4. MYRRH: Paint the lid of the jar and when dry, stick adhesive gems or glitter onto the lid for decoration. Place some your fragrant balm inside and close the lid. Place the jar or container into the gift box with the ‘myrhh prayer’ card.
  5. Close the gift box and place it near the wise men of your nativity set, under the Christmas tree, or in your prayer/sacred space until the Feast of the Epiphany about a week after Christmas day.

Download Prayer Service Template here
Download Box Template here
Download Prayer Card Template here

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CathFamily is an initiative of the Parish & Marriage Resource Centre (PMRC) Australia.. The PMRC Relationship Education Foundation is a registered charity that supports marriage and relationship education activities. All donations in Australia over $2 are tax deductable. All of the administrative work of the Foundation is provided by volunteers and other support infrastructure is ‘gifted’ by other organisations.