Lent 2021 Marriage Chalenge

Take the 2021 Lent Marriage Challenge
Lent is a time when we recommit to our Christian calling and vocation; to prayer, fasting and alms giving. The primary vocation of every marriage is to be a witness of God’s love in the world through a personal, life-long commitment to loving our spouse. That’s no small challenge I know!
That’s why Lent is a great time to recommit to our vocation of marriage. It’s a good time to stop, refocus and work on the relationship God has entrusted to us.
This year, beginning on March 19, Pope Francis has declared as the Year of Amoris Laetitia Family. A chance to reflect on the beautiful vision the Church holds for marriage and family life and work on transforming our homes, the domestic Church, into radical encounters with grace.
Take the Lenten Marriage Challenge and recommit to the vocation God has set before you.
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