Majesty Liturgy


This is a very simple, but powerful reflection. Using the music to set the tone and pace, reverently ‘construct’ a throne. Then together say the Litany of Praise.


Select a suitable hymn or song with a kingly theme. Download the music/lyrics from the web. Eg. “Majesty, Worship his Majesty”: here


  • Arm chair
  • Robe
  • Crown
  • Side Table, table cloth
  • Candles, matches

Construct the Throne:

  1. Begin by having one or two people bring the arm chair into the sacred space and set it down.
  2. Bring the robe and drape it over the chair with the fringe to the front.
  3. Bring the side table and table cloth and set it next to the throne.
  4. Bring the candles and light them.
  5. Finally, bring the crown and place it on the seat of the throne.

  6. Say the Litany of Praise together.

Litany of Praise

Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, Almighty King.
Response: We worship you.    
Lord Jesus Christ, King of creation.R
Lord Jesus Christ, King of the heavens and the earth. R
Lord Jesus Christ, King of the oceans and seas. R
Lord Jesus Christ, King of all creatures. R
Lord Jesus Christ, King of all peoples. R
Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings. R
Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Name above all Names. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Lamb of God. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Beloved son of the Father. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Light of the World. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Anointed One. R
Lord Jesus Christ, our strength and salvation. R
Lord Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Perfect Mercy. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of our souls. R
Lord Jesus Christ, Living Word of God. R
Lord Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega. R
Lord Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life. R

All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the Universal King, our Lord and saviour.
The one who rules with justice and peace.
May your Name be held holy and your reign complete.
You are worthy of all our praise. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end,

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Kiara Pirola

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