WOJ Advent 2, Year B
I have baptised you with water, but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.’ (Mark 1:8)
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Advent 2, Year B
The Story so far… This is the beginning of Mark’s writings about the life of Jesus.
R E A D M O R E →WOJ Advent 1, Year B
Stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming. ( Jesus, Mark 13:35)
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Advent 1, Year B
The story so far… Jesus has been warning his disciples that terrible things will happen to them and to the people but that God will…
R E A D M O R E →WOJ Christ the King, Year A
“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”…
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Christ the King, Year A
The story so far… Jesus continues to teach in Jerusalem. He uses lots of different, everyday examples of how God loves his people.
R E A D M O R E →WOJ Ordinary Time 33, Year A
“Well done, good and trustworthy servant; you have shown you are trustworthy in small things; I will trust you with greater; come and join in…
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Ordinary Time 32, Year A
The Story so far… Jesus has been preaching about the coming of the Messiah – the promised saviour of the Jewish people.
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Ordinary Time 33, Year A
The story so far… Jesus is in Jerusalem and tells another parable, this time about talents. A ‘talent’ was a unit of money; one talent…
R E A D M O R E →WOJ Ordinary Time 32, Year A
“Stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.” (Jesus, Matthew 25:13) Feel free to share “Words of Jesus” with your…
R E A D M O R E →WOJ Ordinary Time 31, Year A
The greatest among you must be your servant. Anyone who raises himself up will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be raised up.…
R E A D M O R E →CathKids Ordinary Time 31, Year A
The story so far… Jesus has been teaching the people using parables. Jewish leaders are also listening.
R E A D M O R E →