
The Sacredness in Simplicity

By Susanne North | May 14, 2020

Simple is sacred. In an over-performance culture, the greatest gift a parent can give is a sense of belonging and acceptance. Susanne North explores how…

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The World on a Forced Sabbatical

By Susanne North | May 8, 2020

It has taken a deadly, invisible and microscopic enemy to force the whole world to stop dead in its tracks. Susanne North explores the upside…

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A Blessing for your Home

By Kiara Pirola | July 12, 2018

The home is the place where we learn to love. It is in our homes that our children are first introduced to love; in our homes where…

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How do you do it? Family Prayer

By Kiara Pirola | June 19, 2015

Dear Friends, We are looking to write an article that explores parent’s experiences of establishing and maintaining family prayers and faith rituals. We’d like to know…

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Your Home: A Living Church

By Francine Pirola | June 18, 2012

The Domestic Church The home is the place where we learn to love. It is in our homes that our children are first introduced to love; in…

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