The Mother Who Loves Me Chaplet of Prayer

The millions of pilgrims who travel to Medjugorje each year are a sign of the love that Mary has for all of her children. Mary is said to have appeared to six visionaries many times beginning in 1981. The Church has not officially approved the visions, but encourages pilgrims to visit what has become an important centre of prayer and service in the world.
The following affirmations are adapted from Medjugorje messages and arranged in five decades as a chaplet of prayer that can be prayed on rosary beads. Mary shows us that there are many different ways a mother can express her love. The more secure we are in the love of God, our Father in heaven, and Mary, the mother that Christ gave us, the more we are able love others.
The Chaplet of Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father Who art in heaven…
Hail Mary, full of grace… (x3)
⊕ Glory be to the Father…
1st decadeThe Mother who calls me R/. The Mother who loves me The Mother who invites me R/. The Mother who implores me R/. The Mother who waits for me R/. The Mother who embraces me R/. The Mother who unites herself with me R/. The Mother who draws me to her heart R/. The Mother who carries me in her heart R/. The Mother who opens her heart to me R/. The Mother who loves me immeasurably R/. ⊕ Glory be to the Father… |
2nd decadeThe Mother who believes in me R/. The Mother who loves me The Mother who feels my pain R/. The Mother who suffers with me R/. The Mother who speaks to me R/. The Mother who tells me she loves me R/. The Mother who tells me I am important R/. The Mother who wishes me beautiful R/. The Mother who thanks me R/. The Mother who prays with me R/. The Mother who brings me peace R/. ⊕ Glory be to the Father…
3rd decadeThe Mother who comes to me R/. The Mother who loves me The Mother who leads me R/. The Mother who walks with me R/. The Mother who instructs me R/. The Mother who prepares me R/. The Mother who helps me understand R/. The Mother who renews me R/. The Mother who is always with me R/. The Mother who does not leave me alone R/. The Mother who says, “I am your Mother” R/. ⊕ Glory be to the Father…
4th decadeThe Mother who teaches me R/. The Mother who loves me The Mother who encourages me R/. The Mother who inspires me R/. The Mother who guides me R/. The Mother who believes in miracles R/. The Mother who rejoices with me R/. The Mother who desires for me R/. The Mother who protects me R/. The Mother who watches over me R/. The Mother who covers me with her mantle R/. ⊕ Glory be to the Father…
5th decadeThe Mother who blesses me R/. The Mother who loves me The Mother who prays for me R/. The Mother who intercedes for me R/. The Mother who seeks God’s grace for me R/. The Mother who is tender with me R/. The Mother who says, “Do not be afraid” R/. The Mother who shares her joy with me R/. The Mother who presents me to Jesus R/. The Mother who is a gift to me R/. The Mother who keeps calling me R/. ⊕ Glory be to the Father… |
Hail holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we come, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
V/. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R/. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
⊕ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.