
WOJ Ordinary Time 2, Year B

By Isabella Garcia | January 8, 2021

“You are Simon son of John; you are to be called Cephas – which means Rock.” (Jesus, John 1:42)

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WOJ The Baptism of the Lord, Year B

By CathFamily | December 23, 2020

‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you.’ (Mark 1:11)

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WOJ Epiphany, Year B

By CathFamily | December 22, 2020

‘Where is the infant king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage.’ (Matthew 2:2)

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WOJ Holy Family, Year B

By CathFamily | December 18, 2020

“May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts, because it is for this that you were called together in one body. Always be thankful.” (Paul, Colossians…

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What we have achieved together in 2020

By CathFamily | December 11, 2020
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2021 Forward Planner

By CathFamily | December 1, 2020

Stay organized and on track with our FREE printable yearly planner. Perfect for workstations and partitions, we’ve already included school holidays and important dates and…

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WOJ All Saints Year A

By CathFamily | October 23, 2020

  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven (Jesus, Matthew 5:12) Feel free to share “Words of Jesus” with your networks:…

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Feeling COVID tired, our children are feeling too

By Susanne North | October 23, 2020

Are you feeling a bit COVID tired? I am. Our children are feeling it, too. Right now, the world is collectively grieving. Everyone is experiencing some…

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Mindful Parenting

By Susanne North | October 9, 2020

When asking parents what they want most for their children, happiness tops the list. As parents, we would do anything to prevent them from disappointment,…

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The Sacredness in Simplicity

By Susanne North | May 14, 2020

Simple is sacred. In an over-performance culture, the greatest gift a parent can give is a sense of belonging and acceptance. Susanne North explores how…

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The World on a Forced Sabbatical

By Susanne North | May 8, 2020

It has taken a deadly, invisible and microscopic enemy to force the whole world to stop dead in its tracks. Susanne North explores the upside…

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Why Sunday?

By Guest Author | April 30, 2020

Why do Christians make Sunday the day for worship? Isn’t this in direct contradiction of the Fourth Commandment to ‘Keep the Sabbath Day (Saturday) holy’?…

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