
Advent Joy for kids

By CathFamily | August 4, 2017

Here are some simple ways to bring Advent joy to children while helping them to learn about, and personalise, some of our rich faith traditions.…

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Mary Mackillop Prayer

By CathFamily | July 29, 2017

Ever-generous God, You inspired St Mary MacKillop to live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and constant in bringing hope and encouragement…

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Saint Francis

By Marilyn Rodrigues | July 15, 2017

From Party Boy To Radical Christ-Follower St Francis (born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone) was the popular son of a silk merchant who dreamed of…

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The man village

By CathFamily | July 14, 2017

Where a child’s own father is struggling or absent through separation, extensive work commitments, prolonged illness, death or some other circumstance it’s even more important…

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Dads + Kids = Kids + Church

By Kiara Pirola | July 12, 2017

Kiara Pirola examines some recent statistics on the unique impact that fathers have on their children’s spiritual development and decisions about worship practice later in…

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Mass & Family Prayer: A deep Connection

By Vic and Liz O'Callaghan | July 5, 2017

While Catholic practice rightly emphasises the Mass as the centrepoint, without a broader context of frequent family prayer, Mass alone is insufficient. Vic O’Callaghan, grandfather,…

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Sacrament Essentials : Reconciliation

By Francine and Byron Pirola | June 19, 2017

What’s this Sacrament business all about? As human beings we communicate through our body; through our words, gestures, facial expressions, and actions. Communication is so…

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Military Chaplains Today

By CathFamily | June 16, 2017

An interview with Fr Bryan Pipins SJ I had the priviledge of interviewing a current military chaplain Fr Bryan Pipins. His energy and love for…

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Serving those who serve

By Isabella Garcia | June 14, 2017

The Chaplain Department of the Australian Imperial Forces was formed in 1913. It included 116 appointed chaplains with equal numbers of each denomination. After the…

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Reconciliation: Parenting Points

By Francine and Byron Pirola | June 6, 2017

The difference between ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘forgive me?’ Saying ‘sorry’ is different to asking for ‘forgiveness’. When we say sorry to someone, it is an…

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The Mother Who Loves Me Chaplet of Prayer

By CathFamily | May 22, 2017

The millions of pilgrims who travel to Medjugorje each year are a sign of the love that Mary has for all of her children. Mary is said…

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Lenten practices reader survey

By Marilyn Rodrigues | February 20, 2017
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