Special Feasts

WOJ Advent 1, Year C

By CathFamily | November 19, 2021

Stay awake, praying at all times (Jesus, Luke 21:36)

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WOJ Ordinary Time, Christ the King

By CathFamily | November 11, 2021

Mine is not a kingdom of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my men would have fought to prevent my being surrendered to the Jews.  As it…

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WOJ The Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Year B

By CathFamily | August 6, 2021

 “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb”  (Luke 1:42)

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WOJ Epiphany, Year B

By CathFamily | December 22, 2020

‘Where is the infant king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage.’ (Matthew 2:2)

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Holy Week @ Home

By Guest Author | April 1, 2020

Simple steps for sharing faith with your children This year, Holy Week ceremonies and Easter Masses will not be accessible as usual. But that doesn’t…

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Easter @ Home

By Guest Author | April 1, 2020

While Masses have been suspended this Easter, it won’t stop Catholics from celebrating with joy the festive highpoint of their Christian calendar! Our homes are…

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Immaculate Conception

By CathFamily | November 25, 2018

Many people confuse the Immaculate Conception with Jesus’ conception (which is called a virgin conception or virgin birth). The Immaculate Conception, in fact, refers to…

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King of Kings

By CathFamily | November 6, 2018

The word: Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus said, “My kingdom does not belong to this world; if it did,…

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Christmas according to Kids

By Isabella Garcia | December 15, 2017

What happens when you ask a bunch of kids to tell the story of Christmas? Enjoy this story of Bethle-ha-ha-ham and the magical star that…

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Meeting needs today

By CathFamily | September 22, 2017

Probably the most well-known saying of St Mary MacKillop is, “Never see a need without doing something about it”. – MM. (1871). The ongoing legacy…

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A life of Service: St Mary Mack for kids

By CathFamily | September 20, 2017

When Alexander and Flora MacKillop welcomed their first baby, Mary Helen, into the world in the bedroom of their little house in Melbourne they must…

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5 Fast facts about advent

By CathFamily | August 4, 2017

 When does advent begin and end? Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. The first Sunday of Advent is the start…

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