Family Stations of the Cross


Children love candles! Use this simple prayer format to engage the family in the Passion of Jesus. Beginning with 12 lit candles, read each station and extinguish a candle until all is dark.


  • 12 lit candles (white or red)
  • Red cloth or plate
  • Handout
  • Small torch for reading
  • Optional: Candle snuffer
  • Optional: Taize music
Download Handout


  1. Arrange the twelve candles on the cloth or plate and light them.
  2. Have your music ready to play at the end if you so desire.
  3. Turn out all the other lights.


Leader: Lord God,
we gather to remember your suffering and death for us. You so loved the us that you gave us your Son Jesus so that we might have eternal life.

The Response is: Jesus has given his life for us.

All: Jesus has given his life for us.

1. Jesus eats the Passover with his disciples.

L: Jesus, you know each of us better than we
know ourselves. Even with all our faults, you
love us enough to die for us.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

2. Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

L: Jesus, even in the face of torture and
death, you did your Father’s will. Help us
to surrender to the Father’s love also.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

3. Jesus is Arrested.

L: Jesus, you were betrayed by someone
who you loved and then abandoned by
those who swore to follow you. Forgive us
for the times we have turned away from you.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

4. Jesus is condemned to death.

L: Jesus, you died even though you had
done nothing wrong, because you loved us.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

5. Jesus is crowned with thorns.

L: Jesus, you were ridiculed and rejected.
When we tease or bully other people,
help us to remember you and what you
suffered for us.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

6. Jesus takes up his cross.

L: Jesus, when I have burdens and worries,
you are carrying me, helping me.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

7. Jesus meets Veronica.

L: Jesus, help me to see your face in other
people and to always be kind to them, as
Veronica was kind to you.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

8. Jesus is stripped.

L: Jesus, before you I stand naked. You
know me and love me.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

9. Jesus is nailed to the cross.

Jesus, you forgive me even when I don’t deserve it.
Help me to forgive too.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

10. Mary is sorrowful.

Jesus, may we be more like Mary,
joining others in their suffering.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

11. Jesus dies.

Jesus, when I feel all alone, you are here with me.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

12. Jesus is laid in the tomb.

Jesus, you rest in the darkness of the tomb waiting to rise to life.
Give me patience to wait with you.

R: Jesus has given his life for us.

For more on Holy Week, check out:

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Francine Pirola

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