Stations of Glory

Easter is not just a weekend, it’s a whole season! It begins on Easter Sunday and runs through to Pentecost, seven weeks in duration. The colour gold or white is used during this time to signify the glory of the Lord and our joy in the resurrection. It is a time when we, as a Church, focus on the promises of Jesus to save us from evil and be with us in our lives.
- 8 unlit white candles
- 1 red candle (or a white one with red ribbon on it)
- Matches
- Gold/white cloth
Set up:
Arrange the nine unlit candles around the family candle on the cloth. Light the family candle only. For each station, a reader announces the station and a candle is lit. The reader can either read the story from the bible or use the abridged versions here. After the reading, the reader leads the prayer to which all respond: Alleluia! By the end of the last station, all candles will be lit, including the red one which signifies Pentecost. Conclude your prayer with spontaneous prayers of thanks and praise, followed by the great prayer of praise, The Gloria, or a stirring praise hymn. Be sure to continue the celebration with a party!
Leader: Lord God,
we gather to give you praise and glory,
for you have risen from the darkness and brought us into your light.
All: Alleluia! Alleluia!
1. The Empty Tomb
Luke 24:1-12
Lord Jesus, you rose from the dead. Alleluia!
In wonder we give you praise and glory.Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
2. Jesus Appeared to Mary Magdalene
John 20:11-18
Lord Jesus, you showed yourself to your disciple, Mary. Alleluia!
In joy we give you praise and glory. Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
3. Jesus Appears to the Disciples
John 20:19-31
Lord Jesus, you give us your mercy and peace. Alleluia!
In gratitude we give you praise and glory. Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
4. Thomas Believes
John 20:24-29
Lord Jesus, you showed yourself to Thomas. Alleluia!
In faith we give you praise and glory. Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
5. The Disciples at Emmaus
Luke 24:1-48
Lord Jesus, you nourish us with your word and with your body and blood. Alleluia!
In hope we give you praise and glory. Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
6. Breakfast at the sea of Tiberias
John 21:1-19
Lord Jesus, you nourish us in body and soul. Alleluia!
In eagerness we give you praise and glory. Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
7. Jesus and Peter
John 21:15-19
Lord Jesus, you call us to love you with all our heart.Alleluia!
In love we give you praise and glory. Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
8. Jesus ascends into heaven
Matthew 28:16-20
Lord Jesus, you send us to bring the good news to all the world. Alleluia!
In courage we give you praise and glory. Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
9. The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:1-13
Lord Jesus, you give us your Holy Spirit. Alleluia!
In boldness we give you praise and glory. Alleluia!
Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Alleluia!
For more Easter crafts, prayers and family rituals, check out: