
WOJ Ordinary Time 13, Year B

By CathFamily | July 3, 2024

“Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” (Jesus, Mark 5:34)

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WOJ Ordinary Time 12, Year B

By CathFamily | July 2, 2024

‘Why are you so frightened? Have you still no faith?’ (Jesus, Mark 4:40)  

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WOJ Ordinary Time 27, Year C

By CathFamily | September 22, 2022

If you had faith the size of a mustard seed you could say to this mulberry, “ Be uprooted and planted in the sea” and…

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10th World Meeting of Families

By Drs Ron & Mavis Pirola | June 9, 2022

Family love: a vocation and a path to holiness One might well say, “You don’t know my family; it’s a path to messiness (or worse)!”…

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WOJ Ordinary Time 30, Year B

By CathFamily | October 15, 2021

The blind man said to him, “My teacher, let me see again.” Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained…

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Easter Hallelujah

By CathFamily | April 22, 2021

Leonard Cohen’s famous Hallelujah is given a powerful makeover by Cassandra Star Armstrong and her sister Callahan. The lyrics were written by Kelley Mooney and…

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The Sacredness in Simplicity

By Susanne North | May 14, 2020

Simple is sacred. In an over-performance culture, the greatest gift a parent can give is a sense of belonging and acceptance. Susanne North explores how…

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The World on a Forced Sabbatical

By Susanne North | May 8, 2020

It has taken a deadly, invisible and microscopic enemy to force the whole world to stop dead in its tracks. Susanne North explores the upside…

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From Chaotic to Calm

By CathFamily | February 28, 2016

When our Lord and Saviour entered into this world, he did so in all simplicity, humility and gentleness. He suffered His passion and death in…

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A Vision of Mercy

By Marilyn Rodrigues | December 22, 2015

Pope Francis has invited Catholics to experience in a new and deeper way the joy of giving and receiving mercy during the Jubilee year. In…

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How do you do it? Family Prayer

By Kiara Pirola | June 19, 2015

Dear Friends, We are looking to write an article that explores parent’s experiences of establishing and maintaining family prayers and faith rituals. We’d like to know…

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Pope Francis

By Kiara Pirola | July 26, 2013

“Being a Christian is not just about following commandments: it is about letting Christ take possession of our lives and transform them.” – Pope Francis…

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