Unity People Chain
February 25, 2013/

“That they may all be one…”
Make unity a regular point in your family’s prayer life. This simple craft activity is not only a lot of fun for kids, but also provides ample opportunity to teach them about the importance of working towards unity in all aspects of their lives.
- Download and print the template.
- Fold the paper into a fan fold 5 times.
- Cut around half-person shape.
- Decorate with what every you like, textas, pencils, glitter, coloured paper…
- Use it in your prayer space with the Unity Prayer.
Download the Template Here
Alternatively, you can trace the half-person shape onto any paper or even fabric.
Author: Francine Pirola
This activity featured in the July 2012 edition of the CathFamily e-Magazine. For more articles and activites, check out:
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