Posts by Francine Pirola
Love Language Gifts
Developed by Gary Chapman, the Five Love Languages, is a simple framework that can teach us how to love more effectively. The theory is simple and powerful. Love is like a language. People ‘speak’ love in different ways, some through words of affirmation, others through thoughtful gifts, acts of service, quality time or touch. Each…
Read MoreBuilding Optimism
Things go wrong. Disasters happen. We fail. We mess up. No matter our age or talent, we all face adversity from time to time. Learning to respond with optimism and self-mastery can be the difference between a productive, joy-filled life and one mired with hopelessness. A persistent pessimistic mind-set is also a risk factor for…
Read MorePlant a Mary’s garden
May is the month of Mary. Why not plant a Mary’s Garden this month, as a sign of devotion and to create a place of beauty and reflection? Whether we give it a whole acre of space, a single lushly planted pot on a balcony, we can pray in our Mary’s garden with our children…
Read MoreTaking Kids to Mass
“Let the little children come to me” Francine’s Story “Have you ever been to Mass with a restless toddler or unsettled baby? I have. Plenty of times. As a daily Mass-goer and mother of five, I’ve lost count of the number of times. While I took reasonable steps to contain their boisterous behaviour, I wanted…
Read MoreMother’s Day Photo Bouquet
Give mum a bouquet of flowers that will last all year and remind her of you. Materials: Cardboard in various colours Chenille pipe cleaners Photographs of children Glue, scissors Ribbon Method: Draw or trace the petal templates onto cardboard. Decorate with markers or patterned paper if desired. Position your photographs in the hole – trim…
Read More2016 April | Joy
Pope Francis is big on joy. Not only is he always smiling and delighting in the people he meets, many of his writings express the joy he has in his faith. His first two (not counting the one he finished for Pope Benedict), The Joy of the Gospel and Praised Be!, are firmly planted in…
Read MoreDid You Know?
To Christians the classic Snakes and Ladders game seems to be based on Old Testament ideas around sin and God’s mercy. It makes us think of Jacob’s angel-laden ladder to the heavens in the Old, and satan disguised as a snake who sparked the Fall of Adam and Eve. But it’s actually an ancient Indian…
Read MoreThe Way of Mercy
The Way of Mercy is four simple steps to heal a relationship based on the principles of restorative justice. When we make a bad choice, say or do things that we shouldn’t, hurt someone or break the trust of another, it’s important to take ownership of our actions (or inactions), apologise for it and rebuild…
Read MoreO Antiphon Baubles
The O Antiphons are prayed in the week before Christmas. Cut out the pre-printed baubles or use the blackline templates to design your own. Materials: O Antiphon Bauble template (download below) Colouring pencils, pens, glitter, sequins etc. String or ribbon for hanging Hole punch Scissors Print out the template and decorate the baubles, cut them out, punch…
Read MoreEmbracing Divine Mercy Everyday
Why not try some of these simple things with your family to introduce them to Divine Mercy? For more on the history and the story behind Divine Mercy, check out this article. Embracing Divine Mercy Make some Chaplet beads. Using cord of your choice, knot it with a single knot at one end, followed by…
Read MoreDivine Mercy Sunday
In the Jubilee Year, Pope John Paul II established the Second Sunday of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. Popularised by twentieth century Polish nun, St Faustina, devotion to the Divine Mercy is gaining momentum. In a world where so many struggle to live faithful lives, the promises of Divine Mercy are truly a beacon of hope. Officially established as…
Read MoreStations of Glory
Easter is not just a weekend, it’s a whole season! It begins on Easter Sunday and runs through to Pentecost, seven weeks in duration. The colour gold or white is used during this time to signify the glory of the Lord and our joy in the resurrection. It is a time when we, as a…
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