
Why Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio chose to be pope Francis?

By CathFamily | July 19, 2017

When elected pope in March 2013 Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, chose Francis as his papal name in honour of St Francis…

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Priests as spiritual fathers

By CathFamily | July 17, 2017

The Church has always seen priests as spiritual fathers, called to spiritually nourish their people with the Sacraments and inspire new generations of men and…

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Saint Francis

By Marilyn Rodrigues | July 15, 2017

From Party Boy To Radical Christ-Follower St Francis (born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone) was the popular son of a silk merchant who dreamed of…

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The man village

By CathFamily | July 14, 2017

Where a child’s own father is struggling or absent through separation, extensive work commitments, prolonged illness, death or some other circumstance it’s even more important…

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The Ultimate Guide To Family Prayer For Busy Parents

By CathFamily | July 12, 2017

Every family is unique and their family prayer life will be too! What works for one family would be impossible for another. Whether it’s highly…

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Dads + Kids = Kids + Church

By Kiara Pirola | July 12, 2017

Kiara Pirola examines some recent statistics on the unique impact that fathers have on their children’s spiritual development and decisions about worship practice later in…

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Praying with Younger and Older Kids

By CathFamily | July 10, 2017

Praying with younger kids Toddlerhood is a demanding and often frantic time. It can be tempting to delay introducing regular prayer, but as chaotic as…

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Adventures in Family Prayer

By Guest Author | July 7, 2017

Heather, who blogs at Mamma Knows, Honeychild wrote and illustrated this hilarious portrait of her family’s prayer life. It’s just too good not to share…

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Mass & Family Prayer: A deep Connection

By Vic and Liz O'Callaghan | July 5, 2017

While Catholic practice rightly emphasises the Mass as the centrepoint, without a broader context of frequent family prayer, Mass alone is insufficient. Vic O’Callaghan, grandfather,…

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Simplicity Marriage

By CathFamily | July 3, 2017

By Francine & Byron Pirola A funny thing happens as relationships travel along. At the beginning, the other person is such a novelty that we…

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Natural Simplicity

By CathFamily | June 30, 2017

by Kiara Pirola When do people most commonly feel God’s presence? It is rarely at a desk or in front of a screen. Most often,…

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Simplicity Parenting

By CathFamily | June 28, 2017

In today’s busy life with too many choices and too little time, more and more children present with anxiety disorders, behavioural problems and an alarming…

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