
The Joy Bomb

By CathFamily | January 8, 2018

If you could summarise Patrick in one word, it is joy. If you could bottle Patrick’s joy and sell it, we’d be multi-billionaires. You can…

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Talking to Kids about Death

By Dr Gregory Popcak | January 8, 2018

Gina’s father just passed away having lost his long battle with cancer. She is devastated but even harder is trying to decide what to do…

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How can this be?

By CathFamily | January 5, 2018

“The angel said to Mary, “Do not be afraid, Mary. You will conceive in your womb and bear a son”. Mary said to the angel,…

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How you do Housework

By CathFamily | January 5, 2018

the results from the CathFamily survey: 70% of you are not satisfied with your current housework arrangement 75% of you would like to see your…

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Till Death Do us Part

By Francine and Byron Pirola | January 3, 2018

By Francine & Byron Pirola We were taking a vacation to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary. As we settled in for the long flight, my…

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A conversation about housework…

By Guest Author | January 1, 2018

One of the most marked social trends of the last thirty years has been the shift away from the home as the centre of family…

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Amplifying his Fatherhood

By Warwick & Alison Marsh | December 29, 2017

A wife has a very powerful position in a family. As Maria says in ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’, “The man is the head, but…

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Godparents: Choosing Wisely

By CathFamily | December 27, 2017

Godparents are more than just parental back-up or a nominated guardian should parents die while their children are still young; they are specially chosen spiritual…

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Sacrament Essentials: Baptism

By CathFamily | December 25, 2017

Initiation Rituals A common thread in human cultures, tribes and societies is ritualistic initiations that mark the various stages of life. They relate to all…

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Baptism is about belonging

By CathFamily | December 22, 2017

If there is one word which sums up the essence of Baptism it would be ‘belonging’. Through Baptism, we become members of God’s family, a…

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Smart Parents

By Francine and Byron Pirola | December 20, 2017

Byron & Francine Pirola It’s 3am and Bron and James are in a standoff. Their toddler has woken for the third time that night and…

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Child-Honouring Discipline

By CathFamily | December 18, 2017

Think for a moment about the ways you discipline your children when they act in challenging ways. Perhaps your three year-old has just stabbed his…

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