
WOJ Pentecost, Year A

By CathFamily | May 19, 2023

Peace be with you. ‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you’ (Jesus, John 20:21) Feel free to share “Words of Jesus” with your networks:…

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2015 October

By Marilyn Rodrigues | October 1, 2015
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Peace Tree

By Kiara Pirola | December 17, 2012

When Jesus promises peace, it is truly a great gift. No matter what challenges life brings us, we can pay for the peace of Christ…

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Peace of Christ

By Kiara Pirola | December 17, 2012

When Jesus promises peace, it is truly a great gift. No matter what challenges life brings us, we can pay for the peace of Christ…

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Peace Prayer of St Francis of Assisi

By Kiara Pirola | July 31, 2012

St Francis is well known for his commitment to poverty, simplicity and peace. During the fifth crusade, he travelled to the holy lands spending considerable…

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Paper Chain of Peace

By Kiara Pirola | July 31, 2012

The origami paper crane is a traditional symbol of peace. Instructions on how to make them can be found with an internet search, or try…

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War & Peace

By Marilyn Rodrigues | July 30, 2012

People in the armed forces are called in a special way to be servants of peace. We can all do something to contribute to building up…

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