Posts by Kiara Pirola
Christmas Consumers
Jesus tells us that we cannot serve two masters, God and money. How did we end up with Christmas becoming so commercialised? Catholic families the world over have creatively approached their Christmas traditions to help raise their children in the true spirit of the event. CathFamily editor, Kiara Pirola interviewed Ron & Kathy Feher about…
Read MoreCouple Play
Play is not only important for children, it’s important for adults and for couples as well. It helps us to develop vital virtues in our relationship: curiosity, humour, tolerance and resilience. Curiosity is a vital ingredient in keeping our love fresh, vibrant and open to growth. Couples who let themselves believe that they already know…
Read MoreGetting Serious about Play
What are your childhood memories? I immediately think of happy times playing in the garden, building cubbies out of cardboard boxes, climbing trees, inventing adventure games and baking cakes in the sandpit. Research shows that simply playing is key to a child’s cognitive, emotional and social development. According to Professor Gray, a Professor of Psychology…
Read MoreJacob Popcak Cartoons
“Strangely, it doesn’t seem as though Jimmy’s doing well under these conditions.” -Jacob Popcak “The most important skills that children everywhere must learn in order to live happy, productive, moral lives are skills that cannot be taught in school. Such skills cannot be taught at all. They are learned and practised by children in play.…
Read MoreBeing Prolife
Stories of Life “Four weeks into marriage we found out Liesel was pregnant with our first child. I can still remember having that “Oh Crap” feeling & sitting down at the table in our little house thinking “I’m not sure if I am ready for this”, even though I was 30, I still wanted to…
Read MoreAngel Wings
With many feasts like Christmas and Halloween arriving at the end of the year that feature angels and dressing up as them, we’ve got a simple activity to do with the kids that is both practical, cost effective and kind to the earth. Download Instructions Wire coat hangers x2 Plastic shopping bags x10-15 (white or…
Read MoreAngel Prayers
Angels are effective intercessors for us like the saints in heaven. Get spiritually in touch with the Archangels and guardian angels with these beautiful prayer cards. Download Here St Micheal the Archangel St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him,…
Read MoreAngels on High
Over the last two decades, Angels have become very popular in New Age spirituality. With TV shows like Supernatural, and films like Constantine and Legion, as well as numerous books, the secular world seems very much enamoured with angels and their not-so-nice counter parts, demons. What is a Catholic to make of all this? What…
Read More2013 December
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Read MoreOn a Mission from God
A vocation is not ‘a job’. it is a life commitment to a person (in marriage) or a people (in priesthood or religious life). It is a love relationship defining one’s entire being; giving life to others. we all have ‘jobs’ to doing life, however, a key question we need to ask ourselves is: What…
Read MoreMade for Heaven
There’s a difference between marrying in the church and at the church. When we marry at the church, often it’s just a venue with no real connection to our faith. When we marry in the Church, there is a sense of grounding our relationship in a covenant understanding – that is, that our commitment is…
Read More2013 October
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