
2016 April | Joy

By Francine Pirola | March 22, 2016

Pope Francis is big on joy. Not only is he always smiling and delighting in the people he meets, many of his writings express the…

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7 Ways to Enjoy Easter Eggs

By Kiara Pirola | March 21, 2016

Easter eggs have a long and rich history that goes back well before the invention of chocolate. Eggs have long been associated with new life,…

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2016 March | Simplify

By CathFamily | February 29, 2016

Lent is the perfect time to prune whatever distracts us from the enjoyment of God’s presence and peace. Many self-help experts preach decluttering and simplifying…

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Take back your Family in Three Steps

By CathFamily | February 28, 2016

When I suggest to parents that they need to carve out regular time each day as a family to work together, play together, talk with…

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What to Keep Checklist

By CathFamily | February 28, 2016

When deciding what stays and what goes you might want to consider the following: Prayer and reflection. Does your family have a place for quiet,…

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My Spiritual Work of Letting Go

By CathFamily | February 28, 2016

I love my Christmas dinnerware! For 20 years I’ve served many wonderful feasts on it. Family and friends have gathered around my festive table year…

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From Chaotic to Calm

By CathFamily | February 28, 2016

When our Lord and Saviour entered into this world, he did so in all simplicity, humility and gentleness. He suffered His passion and death in…

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Holy Clutter Burial Ceremony

By Kiara Pirola | February 25, 2016

Help! I can’t find my Prayer Space anymore! What are you supposed to do with all the broken, damaged, or worn-out rosary beads, Ash Wednesday…

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The Creative 100 challenge

By Marilyn Rodrigues | January 29, 2016

Join us for 100 days of creatively responding to God’s great creative work in us!

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2016 Jan – Feb Mercy

By Marilyn Rodrigues | January 4, 2016

Central to the experience of God’s mercy is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which with the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a specific sacrament…

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Did You Know?

By Francine Pirola | December 22, 2015

To Christians the classic Snakes and Ladders game seems to be based on Old Testament ideas around sin and God’s mercy. It makes us think…

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The Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy

By Marilyn Rodrigues | December 22, 2015

Once we have received and become deeply aware of God’s loving mercy towards us, we’re more able to generously extend God’s love to others through…

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