
Mother’s Day Prayer Card

By Kiara Pirola | May 1, 2013

The perfect card for Mother’s Day that honours both our physical and spiritual mothers. It is a simple black and white template for the kids…

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Table Talk

By Kiara Pirola | April 26, 2013

In our culture of busyness, family meals are often a casualty. And with loss of these traditions, we also lose connection and important relationship time. The benefits…

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St Mary MacKillop Drama

By Francine Pirola | April 25, 2013

Get to know this awesome saint with this drama about her life! It can be done with one child or ten making it perfect for…

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Catechism Roulette

By Kiara Pirola | April 8, 2013

Ever wondered why Catholics do the things we do? Get your Catechism out, dust it off and have a go at playing Catechism Roulette! How…

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By Francine and Byron Pirola | April 8, 2013

“I (name) take you, (name), to be my wife/husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and…

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Catholic FAQs

By Kiara Pirola | April 1, 2013

How well do you know Catholicism? Could you answer some of the most common questions about our faith? Have a go! 1. Why do Catholics…

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Participating in the Year of Faith

By Kiara Pirola | March 31, 2013

Want to do something for the Year of Faith but don’t have time to sit down and study the Catechism? Check out some of CathFamily’s…

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Living the Faith

By Kiara Pirola | March 30, 2013

The world today repeatedly writes off the Catholic Church as being irrelevant, so the fascination and buzz that has been generated by Pope Benedict retiring…

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Guadalupe Colour-in

By Kiara Pirola | March 29, 2013

We’ve put together a simple colour-in page to engage kids of all ages (and adults too!) in the story and symbolism in the image of…

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Twelve Ways to Say ‘I Love You’

By Francine and Byron Pirola | March 28, 2013

In the spirit of the Christmastide, here are twelve ways to communicate your devotion to your honey. Use a dry erase marker to leave a…

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Make an Oil Lamp

By Kiara Pirola | March 27, 2013

Oil Lanterns were the main source of light at night or in the home in Jesus time. Make your own oil lamp and use it…

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Twelve Days of Christmas

By Francine Pirola | March 26, 2013

Christmas is a season not a day. Here are some ideas to make the Christmas spirit last… Beginning on Christmas day and ending on the…

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