Ordinary Time
Mother’s Day Prayer Card
The perfect card for Mother’s Day that honours both our physical and spiritual mothers. It is a simple black and white template for the kids…
R E A D M O R E →Catechism Roulette
Ever wondered why Catholics do the things we do? Get your Catechism out, dust it off and have a go at playing Catechism Roulette! How…
R E A D M O R E →Catholic FAQs
How well do you know Catholicism? Could you answer some of the most common questions about our faith? Have a go! 1. Why do Catholics…
R E A D M O R E →Participating in the Year of Faith
Want to do something for the Year of Faith but don’t have time to sit down and study the Catechism? Check out some of CathFamily’s…
R E A D M O R E →Living the Faith
The world today repeatedly writes off the Catholic Church as being irrelevant, so the fascination and buzz that has been generated by Pope Benedict retiring…
R E A D M O R E →Make an Oil Lamp
Oil Lanterns were the main source of light at night or in the home in Jesus time. Make your own oil lamp and use it…
R E A D M O R E →Prayer for Unity
Sometimes, the best thing we can do is pray about something! Make this simple prayer ritual a regular part of your family’s prayer life, and…
R E A D M O R E →Unity People Chain
“That they may all be one…” Make unity a regular point in your family’s prayer life. This simple craft activity is not only a lot…
R E A D M O R E →Mixing Faiths
In a way, every marriage is a ‘mixed-faith’ marriage. Even within the same faith tradition, there can be different levels of commitment to the practice…
R E A D M O R E →Family Prayer Bookmarks
Marriage and family had a special place in the heart of our late Pope, John Paul II. Family life is not easy, a source of…
R E A D M O R E →Bedtime Blessing
Blessing is an ancient practice and common element in almost all religions. Why not start a lovely new tradition in your family with this simple…
R E A D M O R E →