
No Time To Rise! Unleavened Bread Recipe

By Francine Pirola | July 6, 2012

During the Passover, the Israelites did not have time to wait for their bread to rise as they had to escape from Egypt. Try your…

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Last Supper Meal

By Kiara Pirola | July 6, 2012

On the Thursday of Holy Week, we commemorate the Last Supper.  In the Christian Scriptures we read that on this day, the night before he…

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Last Supper Table Mat

By Kiara Pirola | July 6, 2012

On the Thursday of Holy Week, we commemorate the Last Supper.  Enhance your family’s Last Supper table or prayer space with a decorated table mat.…

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Advent Wreath Banner

By Francine Pirola | July 6, 2012

 This Advent Wreath is an innovative and space saving adaptation of an old tradition.  The pattern below makes a banner finished size 60 x 75…

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Advent Prayer II

By Francine Pirola | July 6, 2012

Leader: Lord God, you are the light of the world, the source of all life.  Be our light. Be our life. Leader: Lord God, your…

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Advent Water Wreath

By Francine Pirola | July 6, 2012

The Advent Wreath is rich in symbolism: The circular shape, with no beginning or end symbolises the eternity of God. Purple candles symbolize penance. The…

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Advent Prayer I

By Francine Pirola | July 6, 2012

Leader: Lord God, you are the light of the world, the source of all life.  Be our light. Be our life. Leader: Lord God, your…

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Natural Advent Wreath

By Francine Pirola | July 6, 2012

Advent is a time of eager anticipation of the coming of Jesus.  The lighting of Advent candles is old tradition that many families and churches…

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Daddy Magic

By Francine Pirola | June 18, 2012

As a mother of five children ranging in ages from 17 to 6 it is fascinating to watch my husband in action with our children.…

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Smart Learning

By Francine Pirola | June 18, 2012

A major part of successful learning at school and beyond can be attributed to simple organisation. Having intelligence and academic skill is important too, but these gifts…

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Children & Media

By Francine Pirola | June 18, 2012

“Training in the proper use of the media is essential for the cultural, moral and spiritual development of children.” Pope Benedict XVI Raising children in…

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Your Home: A Living Church

By Francine Pirola | June 18, 2012

The Domestic Church The home is the place where we learn to love. It is in our homes that our children are first introduced to love; in…

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