Washing of Feet

In the time of Jesus, washing was part of Jewish custom as a symbol of ritual purification. Washing is also part of the celebration of Catholic Mass today, when the priest’s hands are washed and he prays: “Lord wash away my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” (Ps 51:2) The Gospel of John also…

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Peace Tree

When Jesus promises peace, it is truly a great gift. No matter what challenges life brings us, we can pay for the peace of Christ to fill our hearts. Materials: Template Photocopier (optional) Prayer Space Sticky-tack & sticky tape Pens/colouring materials Download Template Here Method: Print out the template, with one dove per child. Enlarge…

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Peace of Christ

When Jesus promises peace, it is truly a great gift. No matter what challenges life brings us, we can pay for the peace of Christ to fill our hearts. Materials: Prayer Space Candle Peace Tree and doves. Quiet music (optional) Peace of Christ Lord Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace, We bring these worries…

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Majesty Liturgy

This is a very simple, but powerful reflection. Using the music to set the tone and pace, reverently ‘construct’ a throne. Then together say the Litany of Praise. Music: Select a suitable hymn or song with a kingly theme. Download the music/lyrics from the web. Eg. “Majesty, Worship his Majesty”: here Materials: Arm chair Robe…

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The Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe

In 1519, the Spaniard Hernan Cortes arrived in Aztec Mexico with his small band of soldiers. By 1521, Cortes and his local allies had defeated the Aztec Empire and added the Yucatan Peninsular to the colony of New Spain. In 1524, twelve Franciscans arrived in the new territory to begin evangelising the native peoples. They…

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Our Lady of Guadalupe

Carl Anderson underscores the incredible complexity of the Image. Every detail about the image had a meaning for the indigenous people, The image itself was a pictographic codex, a method traditionally used to record and transmit religious and cultural practices before the arrival of the Spanish. Here are some of the key elements. The colour…

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My Family Crest

A family is made up of different members, who each have their own unique gifts and interests. Design a special crest for your family. You could include your parents, brothers and sisters, or grandparents and pets too. Think about what makes each member unique and special and choose a symbol and colour to represent each…

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The Daddy Difference

Studies have highlighted the impact of fathers as distinct to that of mothers on children’s development. By Marilyn Rodriguez A person is singing in my dream, very loudly, and doesn’t stop. Then I realise it isn’t singing, it’s one of my children calling out in the night. I untangle myself from bed and stagger, half…

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St Pope John XXIII’s Prayer for Fathers

Saint Joseph, Guardian of Jesus and chaste husband of Mary, you passed your life in loving fulfillment of duty. You supported the holy family of Nazareth with the work of your hands. Kindly protect those who trustingly come to you. You know their aspirations, their hardships, their hopes. They look to you because they know…

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Mother’s Prayers.org

Motherhood is a special grace and unique challenge. For so many mothers, the helplessness of seeing their children struggle or make bad choices is a heart wrenching and longstanding grief. Separation, sickness, crime, addictions, abuse – a mother’s heart feels the pain of her children as if it were her own. When two English grandmothers,…

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Cups of Love Recipe

Your mum deserves more than breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day. Try this simple recipe – served in a tea cup! Egg in a Cup Ingredients Stoneware tea cups 4 eggs 1/4 cup milk salt & pepper buttered toast (if desired) Method Combine the eggs, salt & pepper and milk in a bowl and whisk…

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